Vision, Mission, Values and Behaviours
Vision Statement:
To be a leading social landlord in Scotland.
Our Vision Strapline:
“Pineview Housing Association - Putting People 1st”
Our Mission:
“Pineview Housing Association aims to provide quality affordable homes, and deliver excellent service through listening to and engaging with our customers”.
Our Values and Behaviours:
The Values that our staff and committee members are expected to adhere to at all times:
- Community - engaging,collaborating, and including
- Resilience - continuously learning, developing, and adapting
- Integrity - being open, honest and fair
- Diligence - working conscientiously and to a high standard
- Dignity - treating everyone with respect and compassion
We have developed a behaviours framework which applies to all our staff and committee. The following link will take you to our Policies where you can get a copy of our Behaviours Framework.