In The Beginning...
The Steering Group first met to look into alternatives to the District Council's Community Strategy for the Pinewood Area of Drumchapel.
28 July 1991
Transfer of 334 properties to Pineview from District Council
Full Steam Ahead...
Pineview Co-Operative devised a development strategy to improve the 334 properties acquired from the District Council and to develop any land suitable for new build.
Modernisation and new build work began
Development Begins...
On the 12th of June 1992, the Co-Operative held a ceremonial site start with Donald Dewar officiating where a formal signing of contract with the Driectors of Charles Gray (Builders) took place signifying the start of construction on 15th June 1992.
First Shared Ownership Development started in the Stonedyke area.
The Co-Operative Continues To Grow...
Discussion are underway for a further stock transfer from Glasgow City Council in the Broadholm Area.
The Co-operative moved into a new purpose built office on Rozelle Avenue.
Glengarry Get On Board...
Glengarry Co-operative in Waverley selected Pineview Co-operative as their preferred partner for a merger.
The Co-Operative Becomes an Association...
Promotional activity was carried out with the Co-operative becoming Pineview Housing Association.
Pineview Supports Vulnerable Tenants...
Pineview Housing Association begins providing a Housing Support Service for vulnerable tenants.
Local Children's Artwork Made An Impression...
Children in the local community provided artwork for the stained glass to be incorporated into the design of new build properties.
Pineview Becomes A Charity...
Pineview Housing Association becomes a Registered Scottish Charity.
1 February 2021, 319 homes transfer to Pineview from Kendoon.
Kendoon area joins Pineview
Following a successful tenant ballot process the tenants of Kendoon transfer to Pineview Housing Association.