Pineview Reviewing Strategic Goals

Published 20/02/2025 - Updated Stakeholder Engagement - Strategic Goals Delivery Plan Proposal

In reviewing the Association’s strategic goals, input from customers and stakeholders was requested by the Committee of Management through articles in the Pineview newsletter and website.  The customer forum was also consulted on the strategic goals and a draft skeleton delivery plan – the Association are very appreciative of the work the customer forum does to keep tenants and good services at the centre of the work of the Association.  We also included our auditors and the Scottish Housing Regulator in the consultation process.

Work to develop a strategic goals delivery plan has been underway and the skeleton of this is given HERE.  This plan will have targets set for each of the three years 2025, 2026 and 2027.  Targets will be considered at the committee and staff strategy event of 21 March 2025.  With the conclusion of target setting the Pineview business plan will be updated.  A further customer update will be published and some open customer events held to explain the ambitions for the period of the strategy. 

The Association would like to thank Alison Smith of Allanpark Consultants for all her work with the Association’s Committee of Management and staff team in the reviewing of our strategy and the development of goals and related outcomes.

Published 28/11/2024 - Stakeholder Engagement - What are Pineview’s Strategic Goals?

Currently called strategic objectives, and forming part of Section 3 of our Business Plan (website link), the current strategic objectives are:
1.    To help our tenants live in an affordable and sustainable way.
2.    To deliver on the promises we make to our tenants.
3.    To develop our response to climate change.
4.    To engage effectively with our tenants and the wider community.
5.    To explore opportunities for partnership and wider action.
6.    To support our people to succeed.
7.    To ensure the ongoing financial viability and sustainability of the organisation.

In considering the Association’s strategy for the next three years (2025/2026/2027) the Management Committee have been reviewing these.  Staff have been involved along the way and the Management Committee would like to share their ideas with our customers and ask for your input, ideas and suggestions.
Whilst not settled on precise wording, the Committee have sought to simplify matters and have identified 4 overarching strategic goals that they want the Association to achieve:
Ø  Satisfied people
Ø  Sustainable Homes
Ø  High Performance
Ø  Connected Community

As part of the review process the Committee determined that the Values of the Association were still current and should remain.
  Committee considered how the proposed four Goals would align with the Association’s Values and found that they fitted well, especially if Integrity and Dignity were taken as one.  This indicated that the approach was consistent with maintaining the Association’s current values.
In recognition that the review was intended to simplify the strategic objective/goals for the next three-year period, whilst keeping an outcome focus, an exercise was undertaken to see how the existing seven objectives aligned with the proposed four. If all seven could easily aligned with the four then this would be a good indication that the focus remained the same and was simply more streamlined.  The matching work found general alignment:
Alignment table: 

Proposed Goal:

A.   Satisfied people

B.   Sustainable Homes

C.   High Performance

D.   Connected Community

Links to existing:

1, 2, 6

1, 3, 7

2, 6, 7

4, 5, 6

As intended at the outset of the review, the proposed new strategic goals do not signal a change in strategic direction or focus.  They are simply a more concise and focused way of structuring Pineview’s current strategy. 
It was agreed that the next stages would involve:
-       Work to develop high priority and corporate wide projects to be explored and considered.
-       Stakeholder engagement on proposals.
-       Work to develop a strategic delivery plan, ready for April 2025.
-       Updating of Business plan to reflect changes and for publication April 2025. 

This article is part of our stakeholder engagement, to inform customers and others on what has been done and what is intended as next steps.  We would welcome any comments and suggestions from you to help us shape our strategy for the next three years.  We will keep our website updated on decisions as we progress this.  We will also be arranging drop-in sessions at our office and will publicise detail of these when arranged – hopefully you make it along.
In the meantime, if you are interested in finding out more on this, and sharing your views and ideas, please contact our Director, Joyce, through our office 0141 944 3891 or