Ask Tell Save a Life

You could help save someone's life just by asking them how they are.

We’re supporting Scotland to #AskTellSaveALife.  If you suspect someone may be feeling suicidal, ask them - It could save their life.

Raise your awareness and prevent suicide:

Ask Tell Save A Life

Suicide Awareness - sources of help and myths

If you want to know more about suicide and how you can help there are many resources available.  A good place to start can be SAMH as they have downloads covering a number of questions you might have, such as :

Suicide… Are you worried about someone? - You might be struggling with how you provide the best support and help to the person you care about. You might be feeling scared, lonely and anxious. Use this guide to help you as you support a loved one.

Suicide…Living with your thoughts - A useful guide to living with thoughts of suicide.​

Suicide: How to ask - Are you concerned that somebody you know is thinking about suicide?

The downloads are available at the following website -  SAMH Suicide Prevention