Your Feedback from our Rent Consultation

Thank you to all those of you who took part in our recent rent consultation.  We are pleased to report that we obtained 199 responses – which represents almost a quarter of all our tenants!

The Management Committee absolutely understand that an increase, no matter how big or small, impacts on our tenants and they are also aware of cost increases in spend, which are a lot higher than inflation, being experienced by the Association, especially in repairs and maintenance costs.

In making its decision the Management Committee considered the challenging financial circumstances facing our customers, the effect of continuing above inflation cost increases in spend for the Association and the responses received from our Rent and Management Fee Consultation.

75% of the199 residents surveyed felt that a 4.5% increase was reasonable in the current circumstances, and it was therefore decided by Management Committee that the Association would apply a rent increase of 4.5% for 2025 / 2026.


We also took the opportunity to ask for some feedback on our services, asking

 “Taking everything into account, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the service provided by Pineview?

91% of residents surveyed said they were very or fairly satisfied with the service we provide

We asked “Taking into account the accommodation and the services Pineview provides, do you think the charges for your property represent good or poor value for money?

89% of residents surveyed said they felt the charges for their property represented very good or fairly good value for money.

Positive feedback included,

·         Excellent service whenever issues reported

·         Quick response

·         Repairs service great

·         Pineview really do make an effort to take care of their tenants

·         Vast improvement on the Kendoon HA days

·         Repairs and bulk services are good

·         Housing Officer is very responsive – resolves any problems quickly

 Areas of concern included,

·         Various repairs issues, including follow up works or delays

·         Residents wishing for improvements to windows, doors and bathrooms

·         Concerns about the standard of close cleaning

·         Concerns about the standard of estate management

 What we have done in response to this feedback

We have contacted residents who expressed concerns and have taken on board the comments and suggestions for improvement in our services including estate management and repairs.

·         We have followed up and completed several repairs which you reported had taken too long or had not been completed – including window repairs

·         We have explained to residents that improvements and upgrades to properties are planned in over several years and, where possible, have advised residents when such improvements are likely to be carried out.

·         We have put more staff out and about on our estates

·         We are now carrying out more frequent estate and block inspections

·         We are carrying out more frequent management inspections of our blocks and estates, with particular attention being paid to cleaning and bulk refuse

·         We are carrying out additional training for our team in effective estate monitoring and management

 Thank you once again!

Thank you once again to all those who took part in our consultation.  We always welcome feedback of any kind and will do our best to resolve any issues you have.

Give us a call on 0141 944 3891 – we love to hear from you!