Business Planning

The Association has an active business plan that details our targets and priorities.  This ensures that we are always reviewing the work of the Association and comparing against what we set out to achieve.
As part of this, the Association also sets and reviews budgets to ensure we have the resources required to deliver our goals.  Each year the Association approves and sets an annual budget; approves a five year budget for the Scottish Housing Regulator; and considers long term financial projections over a period of 30 years.  The annual budgetting procedure starts in October each year.
Each quarter, the Association reviews its performance against its annual budget through producing management accounts, copies of which are provided to our lenders.  From 2019/20 these have been added below, and cover the last 3 years.  For our Annual Financial Statements please see Annual Financial Statements
If you would be interested in know any more about our business, our budget planning or our accounting, please contact Joyce at our office.
Business Plan
File Description File Size
Business Plan Update Planner (05 11 2024) PDF icon 79KB
Business Plan - Cover and Contents PDF icon 68KB
Business Plan - Section 1: Introduction (Nov 2024) PDF icon 132KB
Business Plan - Section 2: Overview, Background and Future Opportunities (Nov 2024) PDF icon 192KB
Business Plan - Section 3: Vision, Mission, Values, Strategic Objectives (March 2024) PDF icon 123KB
Business Plan - Section 4: SWOT & PEST (March 2024) PDF icon 149KB
Business Plan - Section 5: Business Planning Timeframe and Reporting Schedule (Nov 2024) PDF icon 434KB
Business Plan - Section 6: Strategic Objectives and Priorities (June 2024) PDF icon 317KB
Business Plan - Section 7: Performance Indicators Targets 2024-25 (Nov 2024) PDF icon 275KB
Business Plan - Section 8: Financial Information (June 2024) PDF icon 175KB
Business Plan - Section 9: Risk Management (Feb 2025) PDF icon 616KB
Business Plan - Section 10: Internal Audit (Dec 2024) PDF icon 260KB
Business Plan - Section 11: Regulatory Framework Compliance (Aug 2024) PDF icon 97KB
Superseded - Business Plan (August 2020) PDF icon 3MB