Pineview Housing Stock Survey

The Association has asked Jones Lang La Salle (JLL) to carry out a number of property inspections in the area.  The purpose of this survey is to confirm stock valuations for our loans with one of our lenders, the Clydesdale Bank.

It would be very helpful for the purposes of this survey if you allow JLL staff access to your home to carry out a brief internal inspection.  This is purely a quick visual inspection and there will be no disruption caused to your property.

Your participation in this survey is completely voluntary and you are under no obligation to allow access to your home if thats your preference.

Geoff Ferguson, Allan Briggs or Karen MacKinnon from JLL will be carrying out this work and will have their own photographic I.D. card and you should ask to see this before allowing them access to your home.

If you have any questions about the inspection please do not hesitate to contact the office and staff will be happy to deal with any questions that you may have on 0141 944 3891.